Kelly Wong is motivated to design playful and thoughtful artifacts that are fueled by her passions.

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Kelly is excited to share her heritage. 

From Here to There is an exploration of the tangibility of “home”. Focusing on stories of immigration, this book uses needle and thread to question how identity and home can be intertwined. 

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Kelly is furious about the conditions surrounding animal tourism. 

Revive is a digital campaign created to advocate awareness for ethical wildlife tourism around the globe.

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Kelly is hungry for the chance to highlight innovative cuisine. 

Miku is a Japanese restaurant brand located in Toronto and Vancouver. This project sought to suggest a rebrand for the restaurant that was centered on the hybridization of traditional Japanese art and modern design. 

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Kelly is fascinated with the art of television.

Stream is an annual report for a fictitious streaming platform based after Netflix.

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Kelly is energized about shining a light on the flaws in the diamond industry. 

The Stone Cold Truth is an infographic set that aims to educate consumers about the ethical consequences of the global diamond industry.

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