
A fictional campaign created to advocate for ethical wildlife tourism.
Research, Illustration, Design
Print Media, Digital Infographic
April - May 2019

Thailand's wildlife tourism sector is one of the main attractions when visiting the country.
Unfortunately, many of the visitors that visit the site are unaware of the inhumane conditions that the animals are subject to. The continuation of these unethical practices are a result of a lack of education about wildlife tourism.

How do you educate visitors about the problems associated with wildlife tourism?
Revive is a campaign that advocates for more responsible wildlife tourism. Through the creation of posters and a web infographic, Revive explores the issues related to animal abuse in Thai tourism venues.
A poster with an illustration of a globe and an asterisk. The text reads "*Think before you travel. 80% of people that leave TripAdvisor reviews are unaware of the welfare problems associated with wildlife entertainment venues. Responsible tourism matters."
Approaching the topic in a colourful way attracts attention and also to make more engaging with the viewer
Using a somewhat comedic approach with witty slogans, the posters are bright and draw in attention with colour contrasts and clean typographic elements.

These posters are intended to be posted in common tourist travel spots such as airports, train stations, and bus terminals. If these posters are integrated into areas with high tourist traffic, it has a higher chance of attracting the target audience.
Using a scrolling parallax interaction, the user can reveal each section of the infographic at their own pace.
In addition to the posters, I created a digital infographic for the campaign, I used Sketch to design the pages and Principle to add parallax animation to the website. I wanted to make the site more dynamic and add depth with the animations.

The web infographic that was created is meant to be part of a database that could incorporate more countries in the future.
This project highlighted a small part of a bigger issue.
Overall, the illustrations created a fun effect for the viewers to engage with. I felt like it added a playful mood to a serious topic.

I think that I could develop this idea further by making the web infographic a directory of different countries that have their own wildlife tourism issues. For example, tackling issues associated with Orcas in the U.S. and polar bears in Canada.